Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

August 15, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Approved August 28, 2005


Committee Attendees

Michael Baskin

Marilyn Z. Kahn

Dave DePree

Bob Levin

Craig Edwards

Marcia Liebman

Jim Glaser

Melissa Mills

Jim Goldsmith

Joel Tran

David Gordon



Guest Attendees

Paul Lauenstein

Barbara Nadler


Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Jim Goldsmith.


1. Septic concerns/CHAPA Report

  • Liebman provided copies of the August, 1995 Weston and Sampson report on calculated nitrates added to Well #4 for different scenarios on the Wilber property. Report was provided for reference and group discussion. Kahn expressed interest in the different technologies available for the treatment systems to be used for the site. Goldsmith was interested in the differential between an alternative system and a conventional system as was Tran. Kahn will pursue additional research regarding the alternative treatment system. The CHAPA Report should contain information pertaining to conventional systems.
  • Liebman reported that as per conversation with Grasfield, the overdue CHAPA study report from Weston and Sampson has not yet been received. Grasfield, Hooper and O’Cain have been actively trying to get the final version of the report submitted to the town.
  • Baskin unsure if CHAPA Report will answer our questions such as: Is it feasible to design and build systems capable of treating the projected effluent outflows levels of the various schemes under consideration without negatively impacting Well 4 or neighboring properties?, What systems/technologies are available?  How much space on the site would be required?  Is it possible to include extra capacity to tie in local neighborhood systems producing untreated (high nitrate) effluent to reduce nitrates migrating to well while adding total effluent outflow? Costs?  Maintenance required?  Goldsmith and Baskin to collaborate on presenting such questions to Weston and Sampson this week to ensure an appropriate response will be included in their report.


2. RFP

  • Committee’s goal is to have the RFP for the Wilber property completed by the end of October.
  • Baskin will contact Puritz to determine the appropriate approval procedure the developer RFP must follow i.e.; legal review, selectmen etc.




3. Schedule

  • Levitts to produce availability schedule through the end of October and provide to Committee for response and tracking.
  • August 22nd and August 29th to be used to discuss the CHAPA Report.
  • September 12th meeting will include Larry Koff and Larry Bluestone as well as Stephen Crane. Koff/ Bluestone expect Committee’s reactions to the various options established for the Wilber. They will begin to develop the criteria for the RFP after communicating with Crane (in order to gain a measure of common understanding) so that they can present their recommendations.


4. PR Plan

  • Gordon provided summary of PR Plan proposal which recommends publishing a series of 5 articles in the Advocate as well as shorter pieces for the Globe and possibly Patriot Ledger.
  • Glaser will contact PR firm featured in the Advocate to determine how they can help. Levitts to provide the appropriate names and numbers.


5. Abatement

  • Goldsmith stated that, as per conversation with Bill Heitin, abatement of the building is positive, however, taxes would need to be raised if approved at November Town Meeting. Goldsmith proposed three alternatives:
    1. Continue on same path with no Selectmen support.
    2. Table the topic until spring and get warrant issued then.
    3. Get approval in November but word the warrant such that the article gets built into the borrowing for May. Taxes would not be raised. This proposal may get the FinComm and Selectmen approval.
  • DePree/Tran moved to accept Goldsmiths recommendation for scenario three. The committee voted as follows: Baskin–in favor, DePree–in favor, Edwards–in favor, Glaser-in favor, Goldsmith–in favor, Gordon -in favor, Kahn–in favor, Liebman–abstained, Levin–not present for vote, Mills–in favor, Tran- in favor.


6. Strategy

  • Committee conceptually agrees that approximately 75% of the Wilber property should be developed as a commercial site and the remaining 25% should be kept for municipal use.
  • The specific municipal use for the site should be determined by a separate vote at Town Meeting, with the Committee providing its recommendations.
  • Retail should be included within the site if it is economically feasible.
  • Committee would like to keep the façade but not set as the only criteria. Need to determine if the developers are willing to develop. DePree stated it should be proposed at Town Meeting to determine if the town wants preservation and at what cost.
  • Committee agrees to the basic understanding that the septic will work for the site. Discussion also included the possibility of bringing Wilber neighbors, with outdated or failing septic systems, into a Wilber septic system, thereby potentially lowering the current nitrogen level of Well #4.
  • Need to determine what financial incentives will be included within the RFP. As an example, should we offer to sell property with town option to buy back within 50 years. Tran to discuss covenant to purchase back with Crane.


To do’s

    1. Prioritize likes/dislikes of Koff’s drawings. Determine best alternative.
    2. Continue discussion of finances
    3. Goldsmith to research changes to the warrant
    4. Determine date Langley’s are speaking: 8/22 or 8/29
    5. Provide Rachelle with individual meeting availability.
    6. Provide Rachelle with agenda items so formal agendas can be created.



Meeting Schedule

The next meeting will be held on August 22, 2005 at 7:30 pm in the Cynthia B. Fox Community Room at the Sharon Public Library.


Meeting Adjournment

DePree /Liebman moved to adjourn meeting at 9:15 pm: motion carried unanimously.



Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts